The Happy Couple

The Happy Couple
Family Reunion 2007

Monday, July 7, 2008

We Finally Made It!

After the months of planning, we finally made it. June 21, 2008 was the culmination of months of planning. And what a wonderful day it was. I actually had a blast. My bride looked so beautiful. All of her efforts were definately worth the time.
The reception was wonderful also. The food was excellent. Anyone who was there will tell you that Larry did a great job with the food.....and there was plenty of food for everyone. are my caterer for life. Keep up the good work. The cake was beautiful and verrrrrry good. Salinda, thank you very much. I would also like to thank the staff at Annunciation BVM. We had some bumps in the road, but everything was done to smooth out the bumps. In the end, the guests never even knew. I would like to thank my sisters, Chrysta and guys really were worth your weight in gold. We could not have done it without you. To my cousin were on your job and you deserve a standing ovation. Thank you so much. The day would not have been a success without you.

To my second mother (you could never be just my mother-in-law)....thank you for all of your sleepless nights, endless days on the phone with my wife, numerous trips to the dollar store, countless deliveries and returns and sooooo much more that even I dont know about. Thank you. I love you.

To my mom and dad, thank you for all of your support. Thanks for sticking it out and making it down the road even when dad wasn't feeling well. The day would not have been complete with out you. I love you guys.

Thank you to my children...all of you.. Ashley, Courtney, Chrystopher, Averrie & Samantha. You are all the best. Always do your best at whatever you choose to do in life and in the end.....everything will be alright. Remember - God listens even when no one else does.

Thank you Rev. Pinkney for your hours of counseling and sage advice. Even though it was tough coming out to counseling some nights, I am so glad that we spent the time with you. I learned many important things which will help to keep my marriage strong. For the first time, I learned the true meaning of the marriage vows.

Mom-mom....beside every great man, there stands a great woman. Thank you for being the great woman that supported your husband and allowed him to share in our special day.

Vincent - Thanks for imparting the Word. We could not have done it without you.

Joel & Chrystopher - Ushers to the third power. Great job guys.. Thank you.

Makaia - You looked so pretty....thank you very much for sharing the day with us. There will never be another flower girl quite like you.

Zion - my nephew. It was good to meet you. When you get back from DC, we have some hanging out to do. Thank you for helping the old dudes look good. Always do your best, even when those around you will accept less than your best. You are a strong black warrior and the future of our generation. We need you! YOU ARE THE FUTURE. Good luck young brother.

Dawn - you know I love you. There is no way that the day would have been completed without you by erica's side. I love you and thank you.

JP - The man with the master plan, my brother from another mother. We have known each other only a short period of time, but it feels like we have known each other. I appreciate all of the words that we have shared over these last couple of years. You know & I know. BRO style for life!! Watch out comes The Palmore Realty Group. I love you bruh and that's real.

To the rest of my family friends...thank you all so much for coming and sh
aring in my day. This process has shown me who my real friends are. I love all of you guys.

To my already know :)

And last but not least.....A special shout out to my favorite Uncle Billy, I think everyone now knows for the record that you are my favorite uncle. Thanks for gracing us with your presence.

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