The Happy Couple

The Happy Couple
Family Reunion 2007

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Still Rolling On.......

Ok..ok...ok... so it's been two weeks.. I know I said I would post something weekly but time is of the essence... I don't even think anyone is still reading this but if you are very good... Leave me a message and let me know... Lee and I had Courtney for two weeks and I'll tell you it sure makes a difference when you have kids around... You know you can't do the NO KIDS IN THE HOUSE things that you do when you a newly married.... I guess my mothering will have to kick back in since we have a few more years until college....Although we would like to have a kid or two of our own someday... but stay tuned cause you never know what might happen :)

For everyone who came out to the family and friends picnic THANK YOU, it turned out very nice and for all that didn't make it you missed a good one and I guess we'll see you next year...

Well the summer is coming to an end and the kids will be going back to school and college. I wish them all good luck in ALL of their studies...

Well that's all for now.....Erica

Friday, August 1, 2008

I'z Married Now....

Well, it's been 1 month already.... And I'll tell you that there are still things that need to be done...Thanks mom for taking my dress to the cleaners and watering our flowers, send the thank you notes for the bridal shower... pick which pictures we want for the photo album from the photographer...send out the thank you's for the wedding and the list goes on....... I thought this was going to be easy after the wedding was over, but I guess that's all a part of being Married.... Which is sooooooo wonderful....

For ALL my single friends you just wait cause you get right stupid when you get a Huzband...I mean that's all you think about... I couldn't have gotten a better MAN...That Leander McClain is something else, but most of all he loves me very much and I him.... So y'all watch out for the McClain & McClain Team we're going'll see

To all of you who helped with this adventure of me getting married I just want to say Thank You Very Much... I know my hubby said it already but now you can hear it from me... You know we're a TEAM now... so only one of has to say it not both....but I'll do it this time :)

I know we have not been keeping up with this but i will try and post something every week...

Oh, if you have some free time next Saturday August 9, all day our Family is having a Family & Friends Picnic in Fairmount Park call me for details...
So with that said that's all for now see you next week... Mrs. McClain (sounds good right :))

Monday, July 7, 2008

We Finally Made It!

After the months of planning, we finally made it. June 21, 2008 was the culmination of months of planning. And what a wonderful day it was. I actually had a blast. My bride looked so beautiful. All of her efforts were definately worth the time.
The reception was wonderful also. The food was excellent. Anyone who was there will tell you that Larry did a great job with the food.....and there was plenty of food for everyone. are my caterer for life. Keep up the good work. The cake was beautiful and verrrrrry good. Salinda, thank you very much. I would also like to thank the staff at Annunciation BVM. We had some bumps in the road, but everything was done to smooth out the bumps. In the end, the guests never even knew. I would like to thank my sisters, Chrysta and guys really were worth your weight in gold. We could not have done it without you. To my cousin were on your job and you deserve a standing ovation. Thank you so much. The day would not have been a success without you.

To my second mother (you could never be just my mother-in-law)....thank you for all of your sleepless nights, endless days on the phone with my wife, numerous trips to the dollar store, countless deliveries and returns and sooooo much more that even I dont know about. Thank you. I love you.

To my mom and dad, thank you for all of your support. Thanks for sticking it out and making it down the road even when dad wasn't feeling well. The day would not have been complete with out you. I love you guys.

Thank you to my children...all of you.. Ashley, Courtney, Chrystopher, Averrie & Samantha. You are all the best. Always do your best at whatever you choose to do in life and in the end.....everything will be alright. Remember - God listens even when no one else does.

Thank you Rev. Pinkney for your hours of counseling and sage advice. Even though it was tough coming out to counseling some nights, I am so glad that we spent the time with you. I learned many important things which will help to keep my marriage strong. For the first time, I learned the true meaning of the marriage vows.

Mom-mom....beside every great man, there stands a great woman. Thank you for being the great woman that supported your husband and allowed him to share in our special day.

Vincent - Thanks for imparting the Word. We could not have done it without you.

Joel & Chrystopher - Ushers to the third power. Great job guys.. Thank you.

Makaia - You looked so pretty....thank you very much for sharing the day with us. There will never be another flower girl quite like you.

Zion - my nephew. It was good to meet you. When you get back from DC, we have some hanging out to do. Thank you for helping the old dudes look good. Always do your best, even when those around you will accept less than your best. You are a strong black warrior and the future of our generation. We need you! YOU ARE THE FUTURE. Good luck young brother.

Dawn - you know I love you. There is no way that the day would have been completed without you by erica's side. I love you and thank you.

JP - The man with the master plan, my brother from another mother. We have known each other only a short period of time, but it feels like we have known each other. I appreciate all of the words that we have shared over these last couple of years. You know & I know. BRO style for life!! Watch out comes The Palmore Realty Group. I love you bruh and that's real.

To the rest of my family friends...thank you all so much for coming and sh
aring in my day. This process has shown me who my real friends are. I love all of you guys.

To my already know :)

And last but not least.....A special shout out to my favorite Uncle Billy, I think everyone now knows for the record that you are my favorite uncle. Thanks for gracing us with your presence.

Monday, June 16, 2008

5 Days! You Can't Be Serious!!!!

5 Days Til the wedding. There is so much left to do. Paint the rail, clean out my man cave, reprint the seating chart, print the programs, find the coolers, order the ice, verify times & location with the photographer, pick up the tuxedo, break in the new shoes, get a haircut (oh wait.....I don't have any hair), get the car washed, put up the new blinds, find a place for my 2nd favorite uncle to sit at the reception...etc, etc, etc.

Everyone keeps asking me if I am nervous. I say no. I am too busy to be nervous. But when saturday comes and my beautiful blushing bride comes walking down the aisle, it will all be worth it. Maybe then I will be nervous. Who knows. Right now, I am happy to have someone to share my life with. Someone who values me as much as I value her. Someone who........ok, ok....that's enough of the mushy stuff. I gotta get back to my work.......gotta pick up the beer, champagne for the toast, ................................

See you guys on saturday.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Surprise.....The Bridal Shower

Well... they got me... It was sure a BIG surprise on Saturday June 7 when I walked in my mother's house... I was absolutely surprised and knew nothing... All I know was that my mother was acting like she didn't want to be bothered with me, but that wasn't the case at all. So let me tell you the story...

It all started with me going to the hair salon early Saturday morning. I got up and got there around 7:00am which I thought I was going to be the first one there, to my surprise I was the third person and was that a wait. I didn't get out of the salon until 11:00am...yep 11am so how HOT was I, VERY... So I'm on my way home and Lee says, boo " How will you get your hair done the day of the wedding and get out early enough when you went at 7am today and you're just getting done now" I really didn't want to hear that so I just simply explained that the girls and I are going Friday morning to start the process and Saturday we'll only have to get styled...

I get home and he wasn't dressed," I should've noticed something then"...But anyway we get dress and head out, because Lee still hadn't found any shoes, so I thought that's what we were going to do. We're leaving out and Lee has my mom's picture album in his arms and I said where are you going with that. He says I want to take these to mom cause I'm cleaning and anything I put my hands on has to go. I said ok but thought nothing of it. Our goal for Saturday's mission was nothing Wedding related per say.. So out we go....We went downtown Market Street to Ronald Phillip and we get the shoes and now were on our way to Jersey to pick up Lee's wedding ring but first we stop for lunch, we get to Zale's and the clerk can't find the right paperwork to get the new ring out of her computer to do the exchange, so that took a few minutes, but 20 minutes later we are on our way. Coming out of Zale's right next door was the store "Things Remembered" and we knew we needed a few more gifts... While we waited for the things we purchased to be engraved there was a card store in the mall and we saw that they had somethings on display so we went in and got two more gifts, so now I'm thinking we are on a roll... We got three of the six gifts needed and moved to the next thing... But little did I know that the mission was soon to END... We leave the mall and I'm thinking we are going home cause I forgot about the picture album Lee brought to take to my mom. I started to tell him let's go home and I'll bring it to her later after I take a nap. After we cross the bridge he says " Are we going to your mom's to drop off the book" I said ok... So we get off the expressway and he takes the looong route and I'm tired really wanting to lay down but I didn't say anything... We get to the block and we pass this jeep that looks just like my cousin Dawn's. We're approaching the block an this grey jeep is backing out of the street and I say who is this idiot, so that person backed out we drive up and he passes the house and I say where are you going and he said to park, know we all know how HOT it was on Saturday and he's at the end of the block. So he goes around the corner and as we're coming back I spotted which I thought to be Ashley's car parked a block away, so he comes back up the street and I said to him why you park here, I sure hope she's home and he gave me a smirk and a chuckle...only at that point did I think anything was going on... He was taking so long to open my door and then he was fumbling in the trunk... I was saying to myself what is going on.... We finally walk up to the door ring the bell twice and my cousin Sheila answered the door and says "Hello" and I just started to laugh.. It was soooo funny to me that they had pulled one over on me...So since everyone wasn't there when I got there I answered the door and said Surprise to them, most of them didn't know what to do, laugh or be surprised that I was answering the door for them... This was an over all bestest day that I have ever had... Hope you all had as much fun as I did...Because I had a BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To my dear mother, daughter, bestest cousin Dawn and Sheila THANK YOU...THANK YOU....THANK YOU.... You really have out done yourselves this time... And to ALL my guests thank you for coming... And my Boo, you know I love you, thanks a million... SMOOCHES

Friday, June 6, 2008

June 6, 2008

OMG....15 days until the wedding...Everybody wants to know if I am ok and how things are going.... To tell you the truth....I'm going through the crying spells and checking myself fifty times to make sure ALL is done. I write two & three lists a day but when it comes time to look at the lists I can't find them... I guess that's my nerves...Hope I don't forget to do something important...
I find myself thinking about the wedding all the time. Lee made a comment the other day that we had to stop talking about the wedding late at night because he then dreams about things going wrong at the wedding.( like he forgets the words to his I have dreamt so much stuff I try not to think about it...
Planning this wedding has been fun but a lot of work for everybody. For those of you who don't know my mom and I both had surgery on our hands. She had the right done and I had the left done. I am somewhat back to using my hand but believe you me it has been rough... She on the other hand had extensive surgery so things on her end is going slow but very well...Mom thanks for all that you have done and will do...I am very excited for the day to come for me to walk down the aisle.This feeling is the most incredible and I pray that it never ends... To all of the people who I have asked to be a part of this BIG event and you accepted "THANK YOU" you have no idea what it means to me...
And to my soon to be Hubby,I'm still in like with you & I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART, TODAY TOMORROW & FOREVER...
Sweet Pea

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

17 Days & Counting

As I write this post, the clock on the wall says that there are 17 days left til the wedding. Last night, it really hit me how little time there is left. The major details have long been completed and now we are working on the small details. 17 Days! 17 Days til the begining of a new life. How exciting is that? I am looking forward to sharing the wedding day with all of my family and friends. What a great time we will all have. See you there in 17 days. No worries.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Thursday, May 1, 2008


We have chosen Lawrence Williams Jr. as our caterer. W e have tasted Larry's cuisines at several events and we are sure that you will be pleased. Larry is based in Philadelphia and is available for all your catering needs large or small. He can be reached directly at 267-549-1654


We have chosen Salinda Lewis of Lewis Elegant Edibles to create our beautiful wedding cake. Salinda has been baking for more than 13 years and always provides cakes that look as good as they taste. From weddings, to showers, and birthdays, her delicious cakes and cookies are sure to leave an impression with your guests. You can view her website here and she can be reached at 215-744-2399. Make sure to tell her that erica & leander sent you.


We have hired D'Mont Reese to be our wedding photographer. Based in Philadelphia, D'Mont has worked on location in Rome, Paris, Barbados, New York, D.C. and many other cities. His current and past clients include magazines, editorial news, advertising agencies, religious organizations throughout Europe and the US. You can view his website at He can also be reached by phone at 215-732-3787

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Daughter #2

Daughter #2 - Courtney
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Friday, April 11, 2008

Daughter #1

Daughter #1 - Ashley
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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Honeymoon Plans

We will be spending our honeymoon in Myrtle Beach @ The Avista Resort. The AVISTA RESORT is affiliated with Grande Shores. It’s a very new hotel with modern furnishings. The rooms are nicely furnished, the staff is friendly and the amenities are plentiful. We are looking forward to our stay.

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